Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Trucking down the highway

Ok, so I'm feeling a little stressed out these days, for a number of reasons.

Bieng the proactive gal I am, I decided to not listen to the news this morning and instead listen to nice calming tunes from Jimmy Buffett.

Here's how that went:

Ah, I'm on a warm beach somewhere, tropical breezes, palm trees swaying, some BASTARD CUT ME OFF!!

Ok, calm down, you can't really kill him.
But now I want to drive REALLY FAST!! I'M ANGRY!

But that wouldn't be nice to all the sane drivers on the road, now would it?

No, but life is SO unfair! I'm already stressed and I'm trying to relax and now some jerk cuts me off and makes me slam on my brakes and gets me all riled up again. Waaaah! Sob. I can't handle this, I really can't, it's too much!

Listen to the music, listen to the music.
Ah, back on the beach. Whew! Whatever happens, I'll handle it.

Ok, so it's hard sometimes to stay on track when I'm already feeling stressed. Sometimes I'm not so much relaxed as just in-between-trigger-points.

I can laugh about it now, and be all "moving towards joy-ish." Recognizing the patterns is the first step.

But if any of my friends reading this make a joke about it, their asses are grasses.

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