Thursday, August 26, 2004

Valid comparisons

A friend was visiting recently, and scoffed at my choice of breakfast cereal -- Kashi Go Lean Crunch. It has listed 13 grams of sugar and 3 grams of fat per serving.

His choice -- regular Kashi (stats unknown) and All Bran (1 gram fat, 8 grams of sugar) per serving.

I brooded about this for a day or so. I decided to implement one thing he does, which is to measure portions. So I got out the All Bran and looked at the serving size. It's 1/3 of a cup. Go Lean Crunch has a serving size of 1 cup.

So, in a cup by cup comparison, the fat works out to: Kashi=3, All Bran=3. The same.
Sugar: Go Lean Crunch=13 g, All Bran=16. Aha!

Now I'm on a mission to track down the stats for regular Kashi. They may be the best of the 3 brands.

But I don't eat even 1/3 cup All bran, and I only eat 1/2 cup Go Lean Crunch. So I think I'm doing ok on breakfast.

However, All bran does have 13 g fiber per 1/3 cup, or 39 g/cup. That's amazing. If you eat a cup of all bran, you'll have met Dr. Gabe Mirkin's daily requirements for fiber. And Dr. Gabe does say that sugar bound up in fiber is not as bad as plain sugar. So I know All Bran is better in that respect as well.

This neepery is fascinating to those of us trying to move towards a more healthy weight.


Anonymous said...


I don't eat regular All-Bran for breakfast, I eat All-Bran Extra Fiber. This version has no sugar. I eat 1.5 oz of this plus 1 oz of Kashi. I slice a banana on top of this or sprinkle 5 oz of blueberries. I add 18 oz of skim milk and that, plus a cup of tea, black, decaf, no sugar, is my breakfast.

Here's the breakdown of the 2.5 oz of cereal: 166 calories. 2.5 g total fat with no sat fat. 22 g fiber.


Sabine said...

It turns out that the All Bran Extra Fiber buds have sugar, but the sticks don't. So I'm switching back to the sticks.

As for the 6 g of sugar in the Go Lean Crunch, I'm not too worried. That's about 1.5 teaspoons of sugar, and adds about 20 calories.

But I guess I should really check how much sugar I consume during the day. I don't add sugar, but there's plenty in most foods. I'll probably switch to regular Kashi when this box is done, though.