Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Values 101

This morning I woke up as usual, bleary eyed, nose stuffy, too early, but unable to get back to sleep.

The LAST thing I wanted to do was go for a walk. So I did that first, to avoid the rush.

And as I was filling my water bottle, looking out the kitchen window over the sink, I felt a sudden burst of, not quite happiness, or even joy, but maybe... contentment.

Now, I don't know if contentment can be said to "burst," it's more like something that comes in on soft paws and jumps up next to you on the couch, purring and asking for scritches.

But that feeling was my reward, and my incentive. It got me through the yucky bits of getting going, and onto the road.

And oddly, even though I don't have quite that same feeling now that I've actually done the exercise, I do have a feeling of contentment over having felt content, if that makes any sense.

I'm listening to the Sures' book on Ayn Rand, and one line comes to mind -- when Mary Ann Sures said about Ayn Rand, "She really valued her values."

I did something that was important to me, however small, and the doing of it is even more important to me.

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